Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Most Controvery Picture

Lawa kan ank2 ku n makin besar udah..di orang ani la yg selalu buat aku ketawa and marah..kuat berkelahi each other..nda mau2..hehehe..but for sure la aku happy with them..
Aiman Adlina
miss you so much IZAT..

Mohd Fauzan


Sorry to all of you..aku memamg realy busy and super busy..lagi pun selama ani aku layan FB saja..hehe..coz its easy to upload pic and so the way..aku suka dengar lagu ani..lyrics nya huhuhu..ada la kena mengena dengan my life's dulu..huhu..everyday ku dengar lagu ani..dalam keta,notebok and even my phone..