Thursday, May 8, 2008

Selamat Hari Ibu

Sempena hari IBU this year... i wanna wish all SELAMAT HARI IBU khas kepada my bonda Pg Noraini binti Pg Hj Hashim,to my auntie's : Pg Norainah , Pg Norsinah, Pg Hjh Nor Arbi and Pg Norizan binti Pg Hj Hashim and my mother in law : Hjh Fatimah binti Ajak and sis's in law ( see picture as below ) and to my cousin and nezz ( both site )..and for those yang nda ada picture nya..i'am so sory coz all your pic in my phone and 1 day i'll transfer it's to my laptop.
My message to you all :

I love you so much… If I could choose for you the kind of Mother’s Day! You deserve a day as sunny as your smile, as warm as your ways and as wonderful as you are!
Hjh Hamdiah and Masni binti Hj Awg Besar ( Mizz Wory )..
Masnah and Hjh Hamidah binti Hj Awg Besar ( Mizz teacher )

From Left : Latifah binti Hj Awg Besar ( Mizz Angin Bertiup Taufan )

from left : Susilawati, Diana and Me ( Mizz counting,Mizz Banker and Mizz Cool Lady )

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